Redesign & New Blog

Nearly 2 years ago, Kyle and I created Ninjality a company under which we could organize our various projects. We also wanted to share our experiences in design and coding with others by offering services for clients. We have slowly progressed with our skills and created a portfolio of all the work that we’ve done. However, the site itself quickly grew stale and we decided that it was time to take Ninjality in a new direction.

We started this redesign with Kyle creating a new logo and mocking up a new layout. I’m personally not that great when it comes to starting new ideas or designs, but Kyle usually comes up with some cool stuff which I later give feedback on. We both agreed on a more professional approach to the company’s brand and so a simple color scheme and layout is what you see today. I then started coding the design into a fully-functioning website.

To make editing and updating content on the site easier, I decided to use Anchor CMS. It’s a dead-simple blogging platform that also doubles as a Content Management System. With this new blog, we will now be able to start posting updates about the company, projects, and other interesting things. Make sure to check back from time to time and see what we’re currently working on.

It doesn’t stop there, because I’m happy to say that Ninjality is responsive. This means that no matter what size device you’re using, the website will adapt to your screen. I used Bootstrap, a front-end development framework that made the process of creating a responsive grid easier.

But with all this good news we also have some bad news. We decided to cut off production of WeOrderin’. We felt as if this project was not unique enough to stand out, and that we could focus on better things. So with the addition of our newest team member, Thomas Moll, we will be starting redevelopment on Hylus. We hope to completely overhaul the site and keep up with Hylus a lot more than in the past.

Thanks for your continued support of Ninjality and we hope you become a part of our community by leaving us a comment.

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